Hey there!! I’m Summer Hammons & however it is that you wound up here, I’m SUPER EXCITED you found my site!

My love language is crafty, vintage and thrifty goodness…and creating cozy spaces! If this sounds like you too, I invite you to follow along in my journey! I have so many creative ideas and LOVE sharing and inspiring others!

Hammons Nest was formally created in the spring of 2020, when I found myself contemplating what the future looked like for my brick & mortar store. It was lovingly named My Happy Place Vintage Market, but after 5 years in business, I closed the doors permanently in June 2020.

If you are ultra curious about my background & how I wound up here, as a creative blogger, read my longer story HERE! It was certainly bittersweet, but a decision I didn’t make lightly. Honestly, I didn’t really WANT that chapter of my life to end, but God had other plans. He provided and continues to provide a peace that is indescribable.

It wasn’t always easy balancing responsibilities while running the shop…..in fact it seemed almost impossible at times. But overall I describe it as a joyful experience, valuable lessons learned, and personal growth. I developed new passions and became oh so curious about moving my creative world online.

With the support of my loving husband and 2 daughters, my crafty studio is now housed in my country, north Louisiana home. It provides me with a wonderful flexibility to be there more for my family & friends!

In addition to the daily business operations, I have the absolute honor of homeschooling both our daughters and teach once a week at our local co-op. So thankful God has provided these open doors that I’ve so thankfully walked right through.

I am incredible grateful for social media and how it allows us to all connect and share! Facebook is my favorite place to interact, so be sure to follow me here! You can also find me on Instagram, YouTube , Pinterest & TikTok! I invite each of you, creative pro or hobbyist to become of part of my joyful community and be creatively inspired each day! I’m so glad you’re here!

all smiles, Summer Hammons