wood bead fall charm diy
I was inspired to create these fall charms when I decided to put together a fall-themed gift bag for my daughters’ teachers! I wanted to add something cute, fall, & handmade but unexpected! I figured these fall charms would look so cute placed in a mini fall vignette, like a tiered tray! I’ll share more about how the gift gathering turned out!!

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Here are the supplies you’ll need:
- 2in wooden circle
- Jute string
- Wood Beads
- Ribbons and/or ripped fabric
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Stencils+paint for words on charm

First things first…..decide how long you want your project to be & then cut a piece of jute string that long+an extra 4-6in. This will give you the additional string you’ll need for the loop & to attach wood circle.
The wood slice I used was already stained, but I did chalk paint & use my silhouette to cut a vinyl stencil. Then I used a little chalk paint in fall colors to fill in word. I also used a little sand paper to distress the circle & drilled a tiny hole for the string to go through. There are so many things you could do for the charm part, like a wooden leaf or acorn shape! Let me know what else you think would be cute!

The fun & not so fun thing about crafting sometimes is the trial & error ha! So you get the improved how-to steps lol! After trying to tie the knots a couple different ways, I suggest going ahead & attaching the charm before stringing beads. Hopefully by the pic you can tell which kind of knot I chose. Don’t just do a “shoestring” knot. It will probably come loose. You can also snip the extra tail off before you start putting on beads.

Next you’ll simply string all the beads in whatever color order you choose. I picked my wood beads up at Hobby Lobby & they came just like this…..no painting. Sorry not sorry you might have to make a trip to Hobby Lobby!! (you know you want to anyway lol). Find them near the jewelry making section.

Once charm & beads are on…you should have enough extra string to do the same kind of knot you used to tie on charm. Then snip off extra tail of jute string.

The final step will be to choose ribbon and/or ripped fabric to embellish at the top knot. You can see here I did orange plaid ripped fabric+neutral ribbon+green plaid ribbon. How long you cut it is completely up to you. Just tie a simple “shoestring” knot to attach all the ribbons.
And that is it!! When I created this on a Facebook live, the viewers had such creative suggestions on other places you could use this charm! They mentioned using as a car ornament or even a ceiling fan pull! Loved those ideas so had to share! These would be cute for all seasons too! If you’ve got any other fun ideas, let me know!

Also, remember how I mentioned I used these fall charms in some gift bag gatherings I did for my daughters’ teachers?

Well, here is everything I included in their gift bag……fall dish towel, fall spatula (thank you TJ Maxx), kettle corn, & my handmade charm—adorned the bag with a precious fall bow too! I can’t be the only one that thinks gifts are more fun when they’re themed?! haha
And look how cute they look styled the charm on a Reader’s Digest book!! LOVE! It had the perfect fall colors & just had to snap a couple pics!