DIY Birch Wood Bunnies
Cue the precious bunny crafts!! With spring just around the corner, I’m SO READY to have fun creating and decorating for the Easter and spring season!
I had some of these birch wood pieces leftover from my DIY Snowmen & thought “Hey, I can make a cute bunny out of those too!”
Enjoy the Steps, Supply List & Short Video below! Hope you’re inspired to create some in your own beautiful way!

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Here are the SUPPLIES I used for this Project:
- 2 Wood Pieces…1 slightly smaller than the other (Dollar Tree)
- Cordless Drill (CLICK HERE to view the one I own….It’s AWESOME)
- Bamboo Skewer
- Hot Glue Gun
- Wire Cutters

- Wire (CLICK HERE to view the wire I bought…but you can use any thin wire you have on hand if you want to wrap in yarn like I did)
- Scissors
- Almond colored Yarn (Hobby Lobby….SKU: 2203396)
- Wood Button (optional if your bottom wood piece needs to be stablized)
- Paint (optional if you want to paint your wood pieces)
Here’s an overview of the STEPS & notes about the project:
(the video above does help to understand the steps even more, so I do hope you’ll check it out too!)
- First choose 2 pieces of birch wood….one slightly smaller than the other. One will be bunny head, the other the bunny body. If you can’t find the exact ones I used from Dollar Tree, try another craft store or cut your own
- I used my Cordless Drill to create a hole, approx. 1/4in at top of bunny body & another hole at bottom of bunny head.
- I then cut a bamoo skewer to hot glue into both holes…connecting head & body.
- I then drilled 2 tiny holes at top of bunny head for wire ears.
- If you need to stabilize your bunny so it’ll stand up, consider gluing a small button underneath the bunny body.
- Next I created 2 bunny ears with the wire & twisted the excess at bottom.
- I hot glued the excess twisted wire part into the holes at top of bunny head.
- I then hot glued yarn to create a bunny tail.
- Using the same yarn, I glued and wrapped around the wire ears.
Variation Ideas could be painting the wood pieces before adding yarn/ears…….or add a simple bunny face, bow, moss, greenery! So many things you can do to make this one your very own!

My favorite is definitely the natural birch look for my style, but I can imagine this simple bunny in so many ways! If you give it a try, be sure to share over in my FREE FACEBOOK GROUP! So much inspiration over there!

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