DIY Easter Sign with Dollar Tree Calendar
If you need a unique Easter sign that is SUPER simple & easy on the BUDGET, you’ll adore this one!
I was delighted to actually get my hands on one of the beautiful “Simply Blessed” calendars from Dollar Tree! I have seen the cutest projects done with all the amazing art in this one & the “Farmer’s Market” one!
Actually, when I first picked up this calendar, I did make the sweetest little Embellished Clipboard….you can see that project by CLICKING HERE!

In case you’re totally bummed you didn’t get one of these coveted calendars, there is actually a way to get some similar art by reaching out to the artist herself, Jennifer Pugh. It’s actually pretty cool to remember there is an artist behind EVERY work of art, even in the big box stores!!
Anywho, I plucked the March page out of the calendar & simply decoupaged it onto a board I cut. I then had such fun adding all kinds of extra touches….my favorite being the little metal flower made out of Dollar Tree cookie sheet! Too cool right!? CLICK HERE to see the step by step for the metal flower on another project!

NOW let’s get to the details of this cute Easter Sign!
Here are the SUPPLIES I used: (you don’t have to have everything exact, just be inspired by the concept)
- Dollar Tree “Simply Blessed” Calendar (March page with bunny)
- 1×12 board, cut 12in long
- Disposable Cookie Sheet (Dollar Tree)
- Dark Brown Chalk Paint (Dixie Belle “Coffee Bean”)
- White Chalk Paint (Dixie Belle “Fluff”)
- Mod Podge
- Jute String
- 2 Wooden Buttons (Walmart)
- Green Moss (Walmart)
- Fabric/Ribbon
- Paint Brushes
- Hot Glue Gun
- Scissors
- Baby Wipes
And HERE are some STEPS to go along with Video Tutorial above!!
- First, I gently removed the March page of the Dollar Tree Calendar
- Then I carefully ripped a rough edge around paper to create a tattered look. I removed about 1/2in from the paper border
- Next I painted the entire wood board with the “Coffee Bean” chalk paint color……2 reasons for this step….. #1 because the black numbers of the calendar would show through from the other side & painting it the dark color prevents that from happening #2 It helps create a dark border for the wood along the edges
- After the paint was all dry, I applied a coat of mod podge to one side & laid down my bunny art page
- I applied another coat of mod podge to seal
- Now I wanted a unique edge to my sign, so I traced the edges onto disposable cookie sheet
- I cut out 4 pieces total & painted them with white chalk paint
- I also drew flower petals onto the cookie sheet, cut 3 pieces various sizes and painted those white as well. I didn’t go into detail of the metal flower in this project, but you can CLICK HERE to see the step by step for the metal flower on another project!

- I also used a bit of sandpaper to lightly distress the pieces I cut out of the cookie sheets
- As an extra step, I like to seal my metal pieces with mod podge
- After the long strips for edge of sign were dry, I attached them with hot glue
- As a detail to bottom of sign, right near where bottom edge of paper meets the wood, I wrapped jute string around a few times, tied on back to secure
- Next, I took my largest metal flower piece and hot glued right over yellow flower of design… glue next biggest size, then finally hot glued smallest piece…..bend up the petals gently to create a 3D look
- Then I hot glued a stained button in center of flower
- Now I wanted to add more visual interest by taking some white paint and dry brushing where the torn edges of paper meet the wood sign
- Then added even more interest by dry brushing the “Coffee Bean” color along metal edges, edges of flower petals, wood button and various spots on wood sign….using baby wipes to smooth it on to antique it a bit
- At the top of the sign, I made a bow with black white ribbon and ripped fabric, hot gluing to sign….I also glued a stained wood button in the center of that bow
- Another touch was to cover the bow on the bunny’s neck with a ripped fabric bow that matched the fabric I used in bigger bow. I attached that bow with hot glue too.
- Lastly, I hot glued some green spanish moss behind & around the big metal flower!

It really turned out so beautiful and visually interesting because of all the detailed touches!
I’m sure glad you visited the blog today & I hope this one gets those creative juices flowing!!
Let me know if you give it a try!!

Love this bunny
Yes, Sandra! It was so fun to create & I love how it came out! Thank you so much!